NPR Marketplace: “Moms with straight As in high school get similar leadership opportunities as dads who got failing grades”
The Washington Post: “The shock of unemployment may push men into jobs traditionally held by women, study shows”
The Washington Post: “Among 1-percent earners, where are all the women?”
Charlotte Agenda: “For women, the glass ceiling might be more extensive than previously thought…”
The Ladders: “For unemployed men, there are benefits to looking at careers in female-dominated fields”
CNN: “Sexist hiring practices don't only hurt women. They hurt men, too”
CNN: “Millennial women are working more. But they're still doing most of the housework”
The New York Times: “Men Do More at Home, but Not as Much as They Think”
The New York Times: “As the Labor Market Tightens, Women are Moving into More Male-Dominated Jobs”
The New York Times: “Women’s Gains in the Workforce Conceal a Problem”
Chicago Tribune: “The richest 1 percent remains largely a boy's club”
Chicago Daily Herald: “The Glass Ceiling is Even Higher in the Penthouse”
Science Alert: “Here's Why New Mothers Post So Many Baby Photos on Facebook”
Medical Daily: “Under Pressure: New Moms Who Post Tons Of Baby Pictures On Facebook More Likely To Have Symptoms Of Depression”
The Conversation: “Mothers who Earned Straight As in High School Manage the Same Number of Employees as Fathers who earned Failing Grades”
The Conversation: “Unemployment pushes more men to take on female-dominated jobs”
Slate: “Searching for an Equal Co-Parent”
Work in Progress: “Are unemployed men more likely to enter female-dominated occupations?”
London School of Economics: “Men’s Incomes Still Largely Determine Whether a Household is Part of the One Percent”
CCF: Even Gender Inequality is Unequal